Community Update – Omicron
Omicron cases are increasing rapidly with varying degrees of unwellness.
If you are unwell with any respiratory, cold or flu symptoms, sore throat, cough, headache, fever or are feeling generally unwell and/or you are concerned you may have been in contact with someone who has tested positive for Covid, continue to call us here at the health centre where one of the practice nurses will triage you and assess the need for testing.
At this stage only people who are symptomatic will be tested, this includes RATs (Rapid Antigen Tests). Relevant advice re close contacts and isolation requirements will be shared.
We are regularly advised of changes and variations to guidelines and procedures by the Ministry of Health.
This information will be updated on the Facebook page and website accordingly.
Amuri Health is patient centred, and still here, just a phone call away. We will always be available for advice and support, so please, don’t hesitate to call if you have questions or concerns.