Amuri Blog & News

Contact Details

Please can you contact reception if you have had a change of address or phone number.
We offer a text to remind service for appointments and contacts as a courtesy reminder.
If you have had a recent appointment and not received a text2remind please contact reception so this can be actioned.
Please note the text2remind is a backup reminder only, so we ask that you be responsible for taking note of your appointment at the time of booking.

Community Services Card (CSC)

If you have a current Community Service Card, please let reception know, so that the details can be updated.



To avoid running out of your medications, please make sure you check when they are next due and allow at least two weeks prior to that date, so that you have enough time to arrange an appointment to see the doctor and avoid disappointment.
All patients must be seen by the doctor every three months for repeat medication, unless otherwise indicated and documented by a doctor in the patients notes.
Occasionally it will be possible to organise a prescription over the telephone, these will incur a $20 fee and the prescription may take up to 48 hours to be generated, depending on the GPs workload.  If an urgent prescription is required within 24 hours, the charge will be $25.

News Archive

  • July 2024
    • Coughs & Colds
      There are lots of unwell people with coughs and colds or flu-like symptoms. Most will be viral and will need to “run its course” Up to date advice from Te Whatu Ora/Health NZ recommends it’s a “Time to rest, stay home, stay warm and drink plenty of fluids (water)”. Often these viral illnesses may take 10 days
    • ice
      As Winter continues, we ask you to please take care on icy mornings. The car park can get very slippery and utilising
    • Healthworks Pharmacy
      As of the end of June Healthworks have advised that prescriptions will no longer be couriered on Saturday mornings. All medications ordered
    • Farewell & Welcome back
      We would like to thank Dr Richard McCubbin and Dr Deidre Clink for their support for Amuri patients and the Amuri team over the last few months covering staff leave. We will see Richard again later in the year
  • June 2024
    • Stop Smoking
      If you would like to stop smoking or would like support on reaching your goal to becoming smoke free, please contact us at the Health Centre
    • Lost Property
      We have a collection of assorted items that have been left at the Health Centre over many months. If you think you may have left something here at the Health Centre, please contact the receptionist who will look for you and arrange for you
    • Lab Costs
      If you are an overseas visitor or on a work visa that is valid for less than 2 years, you will be charged for blood tests or any other test and any laboratory charges that are incurred.
  • May 2024
    • FLU Season
      Flu season is upon us, there is still time to get vaccinated. Protect yourselves this winter! In addition, the latest Covid Vaccine is available and can be given at
    • Interpreting New Zealand
      Interpreting New Zealand Interpreting New Zealand is a telephone language interpreting service. If English is not your first language, we can use Interpreting New Zealand to help you talk to staff here at the health centre. Let a staff member know if this is a service that would be of benefit to you. It is important
    • Health and Wellbeing
      Amuri Health Centre understands the importance of prioritising health and well-being. For all your health questions or concerns, please get in touch. The team at Amuri Health are here to help
    • Arriving for Appointments
      Arriving for Appointments Please make sure you are on time or a few minutes early for your appointment here at the health centre and allow enough time on the day to get here to avoid disappointment. Appointments are scheduled for 15
    • Bowel Screening
      This is Bowel Screening awareness month. Aged between 60 – 74 years and
    • Flu Vaccines & Covid Vaccine Booster
      Flu season is upon us, there is still time to get vaccinated. Protect yourselves this winter! In addition, the latest Covid Vaccine is available and can be
    • Prescriptions
      To avoid running out of your medications, please make sure you check when they are next due and allow at least two weeks prior to that date, so that you have enough time to arrange an appointment to see the doctor and avoid disappointment. When the surgery is very busy it may not be possible to get an appointment at short notice, and if an urgent prescription is required, a short prescription of one week may be given in lieu of an appointment with the doctor, these will incur an additional fee.
    • Maternity
      Eligible patients may access funded visits for maternity consultations here at Amuri Health if they need to see the GP during the first trimester for maternity related appointments, this can be alongside the care they receive from their midwife. Also, some urgent maternity care with the GP is also funded. Confirmation pregnancy
  • April 2024
    • Interpreting New Zealand
      Interpreting New Zealand is a telephone language interpreting service. If English is not your first language, we can use Interpreting New Zealand to help you talk to staff here at the health centre. Let a staff member know if this is
    • Contact Details
      Please contact reception to update your details if you have had a change of address, email, or phone number. We send a SMS txt 24 hours prior to upcoming appointments, this is a courtesy reminder. The SMS txt is a backup reminder only, so we ask that you take note of your appointment at the time of booking. Missed appointments and late
    • Flu Vaccines & Covid Vaccine Booster
      Flu season is upon us, protect yourselves this winter! In addition, the latest Covid Vaccine is available and can be given at the same time as the Flu vaccine. Please ring reception on
  • March 2024
    • Flu Vaccines & Covid Vaccine Booster
      Flu season is upon us, protect yourselves this winter! In addition, the latest Covid Vaccine is available and
    • Prescriptions
      There are a couple of long weekends coming up this month and next – please remember to check you will not run out of medications and book to get your
    • Vasectomy Clinic
      Our neighbours in Kaikoura Healthcare are holding a vasectomy clinic with Dr Martin London on the Thursday
    • Measles - Media Release
      Call for possible measles contacts to come forward and contact Healthline. Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora is asking for people who are currently in New Zealand but who travelled in February on international flights to Melbourne, Australia from Dubai, and Singapore, to come forward and contact Healthline immediately on 0800 611 116. This is in response to Australian health authorities confirming to Health New Zealand / Te Whatu Ora that confirmed measles cases on two flights in February
  • February 2024
    • Patient Experience Survey
      We want to hear your views! Over the next few weeks, you may receive an email or text message inviting you to take part in a national patient experience survey about your recent experience here at Amuri Community Health. By taking part in the survey, you would be helping to improve the care you and your whānau receive, as well as care and access to health services in local communities across New Zealand. Taking part in the survey is voluntary
    • Breast Screening
      The mobile Breast Screening Unit is coming to town. This service is eligible for women aged 45-69 Thursday 14th March 23 Montrose Ave, Culverden (St John) Call 0800 270 200 to book or enrol for
    • Prescriptions
      Remember to check when you will run out of medications and book to get your prescription organised in plenty of time at least two weeks ahead to avoid disappointment. The clinic can get very busy, and it is not always possible to get an appointment
    • FREE Cervical Screening
      Join ScreenSouth in Culverden for free cervical screening for all wāhine Māori & Pasifika women and anyone aged 25-69 who hasn’t had cervical screening in the last five years.
  • January 2024
    • Locum Cover
      We are delighted to welcome Dr Richard McCubbin and Dr Deirdre Clink back here at Amuri, to work with the team while Dr S Ballam is away on parental leave. They will be covering some of the
    • Podiatry Clinics Times are Changing
      Podiatry clinics will be available in the mornings from Friday 1st March 2024. These clinics continue to be offered by Andrew Hawkey of Pace Podiatry. Phone reception
    • Appointments
      Moving into 2024 we continue to be very busy and the current wait times for non-urgent appointments are approximately 2 weeks. We appreciate your understanding and patience during these times. While we understand that this may cause some frustration, we respectfully ask that you remain polite and courteous when speaking to the team here at Amuri as we endeavour to minimise any disruption.
  • December 2023
    • Christmas
      The Amuri Health Centre Team and Directors wish everyone a Happy, Healthy and Safe Festive Season. A special thanks to all those who support our Health Centre, especially the Community Care Groups and those who provide transport for patients and knitting for babies. Please remember to check that you have enough of your regular medications for the next few weeks as we will be closed for the public holidays at Christmas and New Year.
    • Skin Checks
      In preparation for an upcoming Skin Check appointment, it is important to have well moisturised skin. This helps the GP perform an accurate assessment.
  • November 2023
    • Patient Satisfaction Survey
      The survey is still active until December the 20th. There has been a great response so far and still plenty of time to share your thoughts and enter the competition. The results and feedback for the team will help us to measure ‘what we are doing well and what we could do better’. All results will be anonymous.
    • Prescriptions
      In the run up to Christmas, please remember to check when your medications will be next due and organise your appointment
    • Interpreting New Zealand
      Interpreting New Zealand is a telephone interpreting service. If English is not your first language, we can use Interpreting New Zealand to help you talk to staff at the health centre. Please let a staff
    • Patient Satisfaction Survey
      Patients will have an opportunity to complete a short satisfaction survey here at the health centre, running for a month from November 20th 2023. If you have an appointment during this period, you will be offered the chance to complete the survey at the time of your visit. If you are not attending the
  • October 2023
    • 24 Hour Surgery
      We have been advised that due to staff shortages there is a reduced service at the 24-Hour Surgery clinic on Madras Street in Christchurch, they will be open Monday
    • Equity in Healthcare
      We have such a diverse community here in the Amuri… a wide variety of cultures and ethnicities who call the Amuri basin home. We would like to ensure our health services are accessible, available, and relative to all the Amuri community, without unnecessary barriers. We would love
    • Prescriptions
      There are a couple of long weekends coming up, this month and next – please remember to check you will not run out of medications
    • Arriving for Appointments
      Please make sure you are on time for your appointment here at the health centre and allow enough time on the day to get here to avoid
  • September 2023
    • Amuri Community Vehicle Trust
      If you need transport to get to an appointment, for example to see your GP or to the hospital, Amuri Health is happy to help. Just phone through to reception with your details and those of your appointment, we will forward these
    • Advanced Care Plans
      Advance care planning is the process of thinking about, talking about and planning for your future health care and end of life care. If you would like more information or to make a FREE appointment
    • Physio at Amuri
      Amuri Health Centre welcomes Flora, the founder of PhysioFlow to be able to see patients here at the health centre. PhysioFlow is a newly established Physiotherapy practice located in Greta
    • HPV Testing
      A new cervical screening test, available now, is expected to increase screening rates and significantly reduce cervical cancer deaths in Aotearoa New Zealand. The HPV primary screening
    • Community Services Card (CSC)
      If you have a current Community Service Card, and are not sure if the details are recorded, please let reception know and they will check. If you think you may be eligible for a card, you can find more
    • Prescriptions
      To avoid running out of your medications, please make sure you check when they are next due and allow at least two weeks prior to that date, so that you have enough time to arrange an appointment to see the doctor and avoid disappointment.
    • Extended Consultations
      Certain procedures at the Health Centre require extra Doctor and/or nurse time. If you wish to book for a procedure, for example
    • ManageMyhealth (MMH) Patient Portal
      Register today and stay on top of your health and wellness. Give reception a call and they will initiate your registration
  • August 2023
    • Knitting
      To all knitters out there! Anyone able to donate some unisex small items of knitting, such as booties, mittens and bonnets for example would be greatly
    • Ice Hazard
      Winter’s not over yet, we ask you to please take care on icy mornings. The car park can
    • Ice Hazard
      Car Park – Ice Please be aware, the patient car parks in front of the building and entrance, are prone to be slippery in frosty conditions. There is grit to this area to alleviate the problem, but please still take care. The faraway parks are a good option for early morning appointments on frosty days.
    • Pay on the Day Policy
      Just a reminder that we have a pay on the day policy, which means you must pay at the time of your consultation. If you wish to pay by internet banking, please ensure payment is made on the same day as your appointment
    • Patient Surveys
      Patients are contacted via a random selection process every three months to participate in a Patient Care Survey
    • Prescriptions
      To avoid running out of your medications, please make sure you check when they are next due and allow at least two weeks prior
  • July 2023
    • Welcome
      We welcome Penny Butters as the new Practice Manager here at Amuri Community Health Centre. Penny joins the team on Monday
    • 45yr Wellness Checks
      Are you 45 years of age? Have you received a reminder have a FREE Wellness Check?
    • Smokefree Support
      Te Hā -Waitaha - Smokefree Support Free Mobile Stop Smoking Clinic “Drop-in / No Appointment required” Culverden Domain Carpark Thursday 13th July 10am-2pm
    • Accounts
      Just a reminder that we have a pay on the day policy. We understand that occasionally there are exceptional circumstances that may prevent this, in which case payment can be
  • June 2023
    • After Hours Triage
      Amuri Health Centre’s afterhours service is triaged by Whakarongorau Aotearoa. A registered nurse will telephone triage your call and refer you to the on-call clinician if required. Often there is a considerable
    • Ice Hazard
      As Winter draws in, we ask you to please take care on icy mornings. The car park can get very slippery and utilising the sunnier car parks away from the building and walking up the concrete
    • Next Steps
      Nextsteps Following two years of development the Social and Community Sector directory of services for North Canterbury is now LIVE! This website has been designed remove stigma and enable our community to be able to “take their next steps” whatever they might be facing. Pop onto the website and have a look!
    • Health Centre Closure
      Please note that on Wednesday 28th June we have a Strategic Planning Meeting and will be closed from 12.00pm. The phone will be answered on our behalf by HML (our afterhours answering service), they will contact us if it is urgent.
  • May 2023
    • Patient Fees
      Health Centre Fees 2023 As a community trust we try and keep patient fees at the Amuri Community Health Centre as low as possible. Amuri Health Centre’s new rates shown below will start on Tuesday 6th June 2023. We are pleased to still be able to keep this increase below the annual CPI rate. Adult 18yrs+ Consult $50 Adult 18yrs+ Consult with CSC $19.50 Child 14yrs+ Consult $39 Child 14yrs+ Consult with CSC $13.00 The above charges to see a doctor are for a standard 15-minute appointment; if the appointment involves travel to the patient, extended time, multiple family problems, procedures, medical supplies, travel medicine, or medical certificates, other charges will apply.
      Amuri Community Health Centre (ACHC) has a vacancy for the role of Practice Manager for 16 to 20 hours per week. This role covers the day-to-day management of the practice,
    • Community Services Card (CSC)
      If you have a current Community Service Card, and are not sure if the details are recorded, please let reception know and they will check. If you think you may be eligible for a card, you can find more
    • Contact Details & SMS
      Please contact reception if you have had a change of address or phone number. We offer a SMS txt 24 hours prior to upcoming appointments, this is a courtesy reminder. If you have more than one appointment, please note the earlier attendance time.
    • Podiatry Clinics
      Andrew Hawkey is available for appointments. General podiatry
    • Wellness Checks
      Are you due for your Annual Wellness Check or never had one? These are completed over two visits and on the first visit blood tests are done with the practice nurse and a consultation with the doctor.
    • Contact Details
      Please contact reception if you have had a change of address or phone number. We offer a SMS txt 24 hours prior to upcoming appointments
    • Contact Details
      Please contact reception if you have had a change of address or phone number. We offer a SMS txt 24 hours prior to upcoming appointments and this is a courtesy reminder. Please note the SMS is a backup reminder
    • Community Services Card (CSC)
      If you have a current Community Service Card and are not sure if the details are recorded here at the health centre, please let reception know and they will check.
  • April 2023
    • Covid Funding
      Te Whatu Ora have introduced changes as to how funding is applied for those patients who are covid positive. Funding has been
    • Flu Vaccines & Covid Vaccine Booster
      Booking now. Vaccines are fully funded: • You are 65 years and over • Children aged 6 months to 12 years of age • You are pregnant • Adults and children who have a high risk medical condition
    • Pertussis (Whooping Cough)
      Pertussis (Whooping Cough) There have been 3 deaths nationwide from Pertussis (Whooping Cough). As a practice ACHC recommends that pregnant mothers are immunised for this and can be from 16 weeks into your pregnancy
  • March 2023
    • Flu Vaccines & Covid Vaccine Booster
      Flu vaccines are available from the 1st April 2023, protect yourselves this winter! Vaccination clinics are available on Thursdays primarily, ring reception on 03 315 6328 to arrange an appointment. Vaccines are fully funded: • You are 65 years and over • Children
    • Wellness Checks
      Are you 45 years of age? Have you received a reminder have a FREE Wellness Check? If the answer is yes to either of these, just pick up the phone and call reception to arrange an appointment on 03 315 6328.
    • New Mothers
      Congratulations to all new mothers in the Amuri community. We invite all mothers who are within six weeks post-partum to visit their GP for a routine FREE wellness check. The appointment will be during the fifth week after the birth of your baby
    • Meningococcal Vaccines
      Meningococcal vaccines are strongly recommended for all teenagers and young adults aged between 13 years and 25 years who will be staying in boarding school hostel accommodation
    • Te Hā -Waitaha (THW) Canterbury’s Smokefree service
      Te Hā -Waitaha (THW) Canterbury’s Smokefree service Kia ora, the Smokefree Mobile Clinic will be at the
    • Triage
      Please be aware if you present to the health centre without a pre booked appointment there may considerably long wait times. You will be triaged and depending on the urgency of the presentation will determine how quickly you are seen. The
    • Mobile Breast Screening Unit
      The Mobile Breast Screening Unit at the St John Ambulance Car Park, 23 Montrose Ave, Culverden, until the 13thMarch 2023 for those with prebooked appointments. Call freephone
    • Amuri A & P Show
      The team from Amuri Community Health Centre would like to thank everyone who supported the Health
  • February 2023
    • Amuri A&P Show
      The team from Amuri Community Health Centre looks forward to catching up with you on Saturday 4th March 2023. • Chat with the team and find out about Advanced Care Planning. • Get
    • Complaints Procedure
      We aim to provide you with safe, appropriate services which uphold your rights as a consumer under the Health
    • Clinician Availability
      We welcome back Dr Lauren Roycroft, who will be available for appointments Monday – Friday next week, while Dr M Dijkstra is away. We also have Charlie Ballam
    • Amuri A & P Show
      We look forward to catching up with you all on Saturday 4th March 2023. More details to follow in the coming weeks.
    • Advanced Care Plans
      Advance care planning is the process of thinking about, talking about and planning for your future health care and end of life care. If you would like more information or to
  • January 2023
    • Amuri Community Vehicle Trust
      If you need transport to get to an appointment, for example to see your GP or to the hospital, Amuri Health is happy to help
    • Registering at the Health Centre
      If you reside within our community or would like Amuri Health Centre to be your main point of health care, we encourage you to enroll with us. You will receive subsidised health care, be eligible for
    • WAIAU Bridge Closure
      If the bridge closure will affect your ability to attend your scheduled appointment.
  • December 2022
    • Vacancy – Cleaner
      We have a permanent part time position available for a cleaner at Amuri Community Health Centre, Monday – Friday two hours per day outside usual business hours. Are you • Self-motivated? • Are reliable and can work on their own unsupervised? • Someone
    • Festive Season
      The Amuri Health Centre Team and Directors wish everyone a Happy, Healthy and Safe Festive Season. A special thanks to all those who support our Health Centre, especially the Community
    • Prescriptions
      In the run up to Christmas, check when your medications will be next due and organise your appointment with the GP in plenty of time. If your medication/s will run out over the holiday period, you may not be able to get the prescriptions sorted for when they are
    • Underfunded Services
      A lack of funding, workforce shortages and increasing workloads are placing essential family doctor services at risk. Pop into the Health Centre to sign a petition card or go to the online petition at
    • Vacancy – Cleaner
      We have a permanent part time position available for a cleaner at Amuri Community Health Centre, Monday – Friday two hours per day outside usual business hours. Are you • Self-motivated? • Are
  • November 2022
    • Prescriptions
      In the run up to Christmas, check when your medications will be next due and organise your appointment with the GP in plenty of time. If your medication/s will run out over the holiday period, you may not be able to get the prescriptions sorted for when
    • Missed Appointments
      To discourage people not turning up for their appointments, we charge a $20 fee for appointments not kept, this applies to appointments with the GP or Practice Nurse. This fee will apply to missed appointments regardless of the patient’s
    • Skin Checks
      In preparation for an upcoming Skin Check appointment it is important to have well moisturised skin. This helps the GP perform an accurate assessment. Your GP can prescribe with no charge a prescription for Fatty cream for this purpose, or you can purchase an alternative
    • RAT Tests & Masks
      Do you need home RAT test kits? Do you need Masks? Heading
    • Be SunSmart
      Protect yourselves this summer – follow a few simple rules! Slip – On a shirt & into the shade Slop – On the
    • Vacancy – Cleaner
      We have a permanent part time position available for a cleaner at Amuri Community Health Centre, Monday – Friday two hours per day outside usual business hours. Are you
  • October 2022
    • Prescriptions
      To avoid running out of your medications, please make sure you check when they are next due and allow at least two weeks prior to that date, so that you have enough time to arrange an appointment to see the doctor and avoid disappointment. When the surgery is very busy it may not
    • Age Concern - Staying Safe “A refresher course for older drivers”
      This FREE classroom-based course will help you re-familiarise yourself with traffic rules and safe driving practices. It will also increase your knowledge about other transport options
    • MENS Health
      November is Mens Health Awareness month. Put your razors down for ‘Movember’ to help to heighten the awareness of preventable
    • Amuri Community Vehicle Trust
      If you need transport to get to an appointment, for example at the hospital, Amuri Health is happy to help. Just phone through to reception with your details and those of
    • Community Services Card (CSC)
      If you have a current Community Service Card, please let reception know, so that the details can be updated. If you think you may be eligible for a card, you can find more information and forms at
    • Lost Property
      We have a collection of assorted items that have been left at the Health Centre over many months. If you think you may have left something here at the Health Centre, please contact the receptionist who will look for you and
    • RAT Tests & Masks
      Do you need home RAT test kits? Do you need Masks?
    • Welcome Back!!
      We welcome back Dr Margriet Dijkstra to the Amuri team, relaxed and refreshed after her break. We also welcome back Dr Sarah Ballam. Amuri Health thanks Charlie Ballam (Paramedic Practitioner) for covering this
  • September 2022
    • Mental Health Awareness Week
      Mental Health Awareness Week (MHAW) is taking place on 26 September – 2 October and this year’s theme is ‘Reconnect - with the people and places that lift you up’ This year’s Mental Health Awareness
    • Knitting
      To all knitters out there! Anyone able to provide some unisex small items of knitting, such as booties
    • Welcome
      We would like to welcome Charlie Ballam to the team here at Amuri
    • Cervical Screening
      Cervical Screening September is Cervical Screening Awareness Month!! We are offering FREE cervical smears to all registered women. PLUS, all those screened will go into a draw to WIN a great prize!!
  • August 2022
    • Cervical Screening Awareness Month
      September is Cervical Screening Awareness Month!! We are offering FREE cervical smears to all registered women. PLUS, all those screened will go into a draw to WIN
    • Age Concern Staying Safe “A refresher course for older drivers”
      This FREE classroom-based course will help you re-familiarise yourself with traffic rules and safe driving practices. It will also increase your knowledge about other transport options
    • World Hepatitis Day – Stick it to Hep C
      World Hepatitis Day – Stick it to Hep C Our new campaign launched last week to raise awareness of Hepatitis C, an infection of the liver spread via blood
    • Registering at the Health Centre
      If you reside within our community or would like Amuri Health Centre to be your main place for health care, we encourage you to enrol with us. You will receive subsidised health care, be eligible for funded services
  • July 2022
    • Appointment Wait Times & Prescriptions
      At times we may only have one GP or PN available, which may mean a longer wait to get an appointment. If you are booking a routine visit or a non-urgent appointment, including repeat medication requests, please
    • RAT Tests & Masks
      Do you need home RAT test kits? Do you need Masks? We have limited spare supplies available – contact
    • Covid -19 2nd Booster
      2nd Booster doses available now! Call 03 315 6328 to book. Ensure 6 months after first booster. The following people are recommended to receive a second booster as a priority. People aged 65 years and
  • June 2022
    • Flu Vaccines & Covid Vaccine Booster
      Flu vaccines are available now, protect yourselves this winter. Please ring reception to arrange an appointment. Vaccines are fully funded: • You are 65 years and over
    • Wellness Checks
      Are you 45 years of age? Have you received a reminder have a FREE Wellness
    • Flu Vaccines
      Flu vaccines are available now, protect yourselves & Whanau this winter. Please ring reception to arrange an appointment. Vaccines are fully funded
    • Appointment Wait Times
      At times we may only have one GP or PN available, which may mean a longer wait to get an appointment. If you are booking a routine visit or a non-urgent
    • Prescriptions
      To avoid running out of your medications, please make sure you check when they are next due and allow at least two weeks prior to that date, so that you have enough time to arrange an appointment to see the doctor and avoid disappointment.
    • Car Park - Ice
      Please be aware, the patient car parks in front of the building and entrance, are prone to be slippery in frosty
    • Manage My Health
      Amuri Community Health Centre would like to remind patients know we have recently joined the ManageMyhealth Patient Portal. Register today and stay on top of your health and wellness
  • May 2022
    • Flu Vaccines
      Flu season is upon us, and flu vaccines are available now. Please ring reception to arrange an appointment. Vaccines are fully funded: • You are 65 years and over • You are pregnant • Adults and Children who have a chronic health condition • Māori and Pacific peoples aged 55 to 64 years Non-funded vaccines cost $25 for registered adults and children Non-funded vaccines cost $36 for non-registered patients.
    • Vacancy – Cleaner
      We have a permanent part time position available for a cleaner at Amuri Community Health Centre, Monday – Friday two hours per day outside usual business hours. Are you
    • Patient Surveys
      Patients are contacted via a random selection process every three months to participate in a Patient Care Survey for patients over the age of 15 years, conducted by the Health Quality & Safety Commission New
    • Vacancy - Cleaner
      We have a permanent part time position available for a cleaner at Amuri Community Health Centre, Monday
    • MMR (Measles, Mumps & Rubella) Vaccine
      Are your immunisations up to date? Do you need the MMR vaccine? If you aged between 15yrs & 30yrs, please phone Amuri
  • April 2022
    • Covid Vaccination Booster
      Patients aged 16 and 17 years are now able to have their Covid vaccination booster. This must be no sooner than 6 months after the last
    • Flu Vaccines
      Flu season is upon us, and flu vaccines are available now. Please ring reception to arrange an appointment. Vaccines are fully funded:
  • March 2022
    • Community Update
      Please refer to the separate advert for additional information. Update for Flu vaccinations, immunisations, wellness checks and cervical screening. We
    • Registering at the Health Centre
      If you reside within our community or would like Amuri Health Centre to be your main point for health care, we encourage you to enrol with us. You will receive subsidised health care, be eligible for funded services and
    • Manage My Health
      We recently advised patients about the new Manage My Health patient portal. While we encourage all patients to register, appointments will not be available through the online
    • General Health & Well Being
      COVID is all over the news however it is important we remember our other health needs too. It is business as usual here at Amuri Community Health Centre; for all the things
    • Community Update – Omicron
      Community Update – Omicron Omicron cases are increasing rapidly with varying degrees of unwellness. If you are unwell with any respiratory, cold or flu symptoms, sore throat, cough, headache, fever or are feeling generally unwell
  • February 2022
    • Fees
      Health Centre Fees 2022 As a community trust we try and keep patient fees at the Amuri Community Health Centre as low as possible and we have been pleased to have held the existing patient fee schedule since 2019. Amuri Health Centre’s new rates shown below will start on Tuesday 1st March 2022. This increase is below the CPI rate of 5.9%. 18yrs+ Consult $47 18yrs+ Consult with CSC $19.50 14yrs+ Consult $37 14yrs+ Consult with CSC $13.00 The above charges to see a doctor are for a standard 15-minute appointment; if the appointment involves travel to the patient, extended time, multiple family problems, procedures, medical supplies, travel medicine, or medical certificates, other charges will apply.
    • Manage My Health
      Amuri Community Health Centre is pleased to let patients know we have recently joined the ManageMyhealth Patient Portal. Register today and stay on top of your health and wellness.
    • Community Services Card (CSC)
      If you have a current Community Service Card, please let reception know, so that the details can be updated. If you think you may be eligible for a card, you
    • Health Centre Fees 2022
      As a community trust we try and keep patient fees at the Amuri Community Health Centre as low as possible and we have been pleased to have held the existing patient fee schedule since 2019.
  • January 2022
  • December 2021
    • Covid Booster Vaccine
      Booster doses available now! Call 03 315 6328 to book. Ensure 4mths after last vaccination date.
    • Christmas
      The Amuri Health Centre Team and Directors wish everyone a Happy, Healthy and Safe Festive Season. A special thanks to all those who support our Health Centre, especially the Community Care Groups and those who provide
    • Welcome
      Dr Sarah Ballam and her partner are expecting their first child and Sarah will be taking a period of parental leave in the new year, we wish
    • Pay on the Day Policy & Account Fee
      Just a reminder that we have a pay on the day policy. We understand that occasionally there are exceptional circumstances that may prevent this, in which case payment can be made within the week at the Health Centre or through online banking. If
    • Podiatry Clinics
      Clinics Podiatry is available at Amuri Community Health Centre. These clinics are for all your Podiatry needs and care, offered by Andrew Hawkey of Pace Podiatry. Regular
    • Prescriptions
      In the run up to Christmas, please remember to check when your medications will be next due and organise your appointment with the GP in plenty of time. If your medication/s will run out over
    • Contractors and Other Visitors
      Contractors and Other Visitors
  • November 2021
    • Flow Chart
      Please read to see how patients will be seen here at the Health Centre according to Covid Management Guidelines.
    • Important Notice .......
      Please see the separate flow chart page to indicate how and where we will see patients here at the Health Centre for the foreseeable future. Too many people are entering the health centre WITHOUT disclosing they have respiratory symptoms over the phone
    • Important Notice
      There are too many people entering the health centre NOT disclosing they have respiratory symptoms over the phone prior to booking their appointment
    • Pay on the Day Policy
      Just a reminder that we have a pay on the day policy. We understand that occasionally there are exceptional circumstances that may prevent this, in which case payment
    • Vacancy - Reception
      Please refer to the separate advert for a fixed term position for reception here at the Health Centre. This is to cover
  • October 2021
    • Patient Surveys
      Survey week is upon us! Patients are contacted via a random selection process every three months to participate in a Patient Care Survey for patients over the age of 15 years, conducted by the Health Quality & Safety Commission
    • Saturday Clinic
      Covid Vaccination Clinic Open at Amuri Community Health Centre 10am – 2pm Saturday 6th November 2021 Booked appointments are preferred please, but some walk-in appointments
    • Community Services Card (CSC)
      If you have a current Community Service Card, please let reception know, so that the details can be updated. If you think you may be eligible for a card, you can find more information and forms at
    • Patient Surveys
      Patients are contacted via a random selection process every three months to participate in a Patient Care Survey for patients over the age of 15 years, conducted by the Health Quality & Safety Commission New Zealand. Please let us know if your email address has changed or needs to be updated. It would be great if asked
    • Super Saturday
      Please refer to the Health Centre’s separate full-page advert regarding the additional Saturday Clinic being run for Covid Vaccinations
    • Podiatry Clinics
      Podiatry is once again available at Amuri Community Health Centre. These clinics for all your Podiatry needs and care, are offered by Andrew Hawkey of Pace
    • Staff Meeting
      Please note that Amuri Community Health Centre will have a delayed opening time on Thursday 14th October 2021 for a staff meeting
    • Mental Health
      This year's theme is to take time to kōrero/mā te kōrero, ka ora - a little chat can go a long way. Connecting with the people in our lives and creating space for conversations about mental health and
  • September 2021
    • Mental Health
      Mental Health Awareness week 27th September – 1st October 2021 This year's theme is to take time to kōrero/mā te kōrero, ka ora - a little chat can go a long way. Connecting with the people in our lives and creating space for conversations about mental health and wellbeing. Whether
    • Farewells and Hellos
      Amuri health would like to farewell Gary Mitchell who has been the manager here for the past year. Gary is moving onto new ventures, and we
    • Covid Vaccinations
      Don’t forget to book those 2nd doses in!! Clinic space fills up fast. There are
    • Covid Vaccinations
      Covid Vaccinations Amuri Health continue to run clinics for your vaccinations. Booking is simple, just phone as you would for an appointment on 03 315 6328 and our lovely reception team will organise a time for you to attend. If you have already been given your first vaccination, we encourage you to phone through
    • Level 2
      Back to level 2! Thank you for your continued understanding during the changes with delivery of your healthcare. Amuri Health will be open, but patients will need to phone in advance to arrange their appointment time. We can still offer and encourage telephone consults where possible. There are to be no walk-ins please. Patients
  • August 2021
    • Covid Vaccination Clinics in Alert Level 4 continue at Amuri Health
      continue at Amuri Health Please come around the side of the building to the patio outside the waiting room AT the time if your appointment. Parking is available in the STAFF CARPARK just along a bit further
    • Booking Appointments
      While we try to ensure that we run to time, the doctors and nurses often must deal with emergencies or urgent situations leading to unforeseen delays. We appreciate your understanding when this happens, however sometimes the delays
    • Podiatry Clinics
      We are pleased to let the community know that there will be a Podiatrist available on Friday afternoons starting September 10th, this will usually be every six weeks. Andrew Hawkey will be seeing patients referred to him via your regular GP, for example those who have chronic
    • Equity Group
      We have such a diverse community here in the Amuri… a wide variety of cultures and ethnicities which call the
    • Staff Meeting
      Please note that Amuri Health Centre will have a delayed opening time on Monday 9th August 2021 due to a staff meeting. Appointments will be available
    • Skin Checks
      We offer full comprehensive skin checks for both enrolled and non-enrolled patients at a very reasonable rate. Dr Graeme Scrivener is holding a skin check clinic on
  • July 2021
    • Covid Update
      Covid Updates Please refer to the home page and the Covid information tab for the latest information on vaccinations
    • He Waka Tapu
      He Waka Tapu He Waka Tapu are holding a Free Cervical Smear clinic again here at Amuri Health Centre for eligible patients. Thursday 12th August 2021 9.00am – 2.30pm If you think you may be eligible, are due for a smear or have
    • Community Services Card (CSC)
      If you hold a current Community Service Card, please let reception know, so that the details can be updated. If you think you may be eligible for a card, you can find more information and forms at www
    • Respiratory Virus
      We have a lot of unwell youngsters in our community at the moment. Please remember to keep yourself/kids at home if are unwell with respiratory symptoms Respiratory viruses like the RSV virus are highly contagious for up to 8days and can turn to pneumonia and bronchiolitis. Under 2yr olds are particularly vulnerable and to protect them we need to isolate those who are unwell,
    • Rural Support
      2021 has been a HUGE year so far for our community, particularly for our farmers. Trying to navigate their way through another bad drought and then
  • June 2021
    • Welcome
      Through wind and rain, we welcome Dr Victor Buckwalter to the Amuri Community Health Centre
    • Covid Vaccinations update
      Please refer to Amuri Health’s full-page advert for more detailed information regarding the covid vaccination roll out. We will continue to post updates on the Health Centre’s
    • Staff Vacancy
      Please refer to Amuri Health’s separate advert for full details of a vacancy within the practice for a fixed term position for the right candidate
  • May 2021
    • Menopause
      Menopause ‘Let’s talk about it.’ Don’t be alone. This event may be for you! To hear advice and options. Please see the full-page advert for this free event for all interested to attend in Christchurch, on Tuesday 15th June. Discussions around the menopause, symptoms and treatment options.
    • Hello’s
      We will be welcoming Dr Victor Buckwalter to the team here at Amuri on the 21st June. Victor will be with the team for the next year and has arrived safely in NZ from the US with his wife. They are both looking forward to their time here in NZ and working with the Amuri community.
    • Flu Vaccines
      Flu season is upon us and flu vaccines are available now. Please ring reception to arrange an appointment. Vaccines are free if: • You are 65 years and over • You are pregnant • You have a chronic health condition
    • Pink Shirt Day
      “Speak Up, Stand Together, Stop Bullying - Kōrero Mai, Kōrero Atu, Mauri Tū, Mauri Ora” In Aotearoa, Pink Shirt Day works to create schools, workplaces, communities and whānau
    • Patient Surveys
      Patients are contacted via a random selection process every three months to participate in a Patient Care Survey for patients over the age of 15 years, conducted by the Health Quality & Safety Commission New Zealand. Patients are contacted by email and offered
    • Covid Vaccine information
      The Covid Vaccine will be free for everyone regardless of your residency or citizen status. The vaccine teaches your immune system to recognise and fight
    • Staff Meeting
      Please note that Amuri Health Centre will have a delayed opening time on Thursday 13th May 2021 This is for a staff &
  • April 2021
    • Health Centre Closure
      Please note that on Thursday 29th April we have a team meeting between 3pm and 5pm and so there will be no available appointments. The phone
    • Cheques
      Please note that as of Friday 14th May 2021 Amuri Health will no longer be able to receive cheques for payments, due to
    • Covid Vaccination Update
      Thanks for all your questions around the Covid Vaccination process, unfortunately a number of them we have been unable to answer as we are yet to be informed as to
    • Flu & Shingles Vaccines
      At this stage we will only be vaccinating the over 65’s and we are able to book patients in this age group now. Please phone through to the Health
  • March 2021
    • Skin Checks
      We offer full comprehensive skin checks for both enrolled and non-enrolled patients at a very reasonable rate.
    • Flu & Shingles Vaccines
      At this stage we will only be vaccinating the over 65’s and expect to be able to book patients in this age group from the 15th April 2021. We will advertise the other groups for vaccination once we have the vaccines available.
    • Vaccination Updates
      Please refer to this week’s full-page advert to advise the latest information we have regarding the upcoming Flu and Shingles vaccines. At this stage we will only be vaccinating the
    • Laboratory results
      When you have a blood test or cervical smear, the nurse will advise you that you will only be contacted if the results need to have some action taken (for example a repeat blood test or follow up with the Doctor). If your results are insignificant you will not normally be notified. However, you are welcome
    • Extended Consultations
      Certain procedures at the Health Centre require extra Doctor and/or nurse time. If you wish to book an appointment for any of the following: Removal of Lesion, Skin Check, Fire Brigade
    • Level 1
      Thank you for your continued understanding during the changes with delivery of your healthcare. If you have any respiratory, flu/Cold like symptoms, sore throat, or cough, please
    • Level 2
      Back to Level 2!!! Thank you for your continued understanding during the changes with delivery of your healthcare
  • February 2021
    • Level 1
      We are fully open and business as usual again!! Thank you for your continued understanding
    • Staff Meeting
      Please note that Amuri Health Centre will have a delayed opening time on: Thursday 4th March 2021 This is for a staff & clinical team meeting
    • Wellness Checks
      Are you due for your Annual Wellness Check or never had one? These are completed over two visits and on the first visit blood tests are done with
    • Covid-19 Level 2
      Amuri Community Health Centre is currently operating at level 2 in accordance with the latest Ministry of
    • Farewells and Hellos
      We would like to welcome Dr Sarah Ballam to the team here at Amuri. Sarah is originally from the UK and has settled here in North Canterbury.
    • Farewells and Hellos
    • Skin Checks
      We offer full comprehensive skin checks for both enrolled and non-enrolled patients at a very reasonable rate. Dr Graeme Scrivener is holding a skin check clinic
  • January 2021
    • Staff Meeting
      Please note that Amuri Health Centre will have a delayed opening time on: Monday 1st February 2021 This is for a staff & clinical team meeting
    • Meningococcal Vaccines
      Meningococcal vaccines are strongly recommended for all teenagers and young adults flatting or staying
    • He Waka Tapu He Waka Tapu
      He Waka Tapu are holding a Free Cervical Smear clinic again here at Amuri Health
  • December 2020
    • Happy Holidays
      The Amuri Health Centre Team and Directors wish everyone
    • Staff Meeting
      Please note that Amuri Health Centre will have a delayed opening time on Monday 21st December
  • November 2020
    • Mirena IUD
      Mirena IUD A reminder to all ladies that the Mirena device became fully subsidised last year. Mirena is an IUD for long term contraception and is considered the gold standard for birth control
    • Prescriptions
      In the run up to Christmas, please remember to check when your medications will be next due, and organise your appointment with the GP in plenty of time. If your medication/s will run out over the holiday
    • Patient Surveys
      Patients are contacted via a random selection process every three months to participate in a Patient Care Survey for patients over the age of 15 years, conducted by the Health Quality & Safety Commission New Zealand
    • Interpreting New Zealand
      Interpreting New Zealand is a telephone interpreting service. If English is not your first language, we can use Interpreting
    • Interpreting New Zealand
      Interpreting New Zealand is a telephone interpreting service. If English is not your first language, we can
    • Staff Meeting
      Please note that Amuri Health will have
    • Amuri Vehicle Trust
      If you need transport to get to an appointment, Amuri Health is happy to help
  • September 2020
    • Nursing Students
      We are hosting nursing students here at the Health Centre over the next couple months. You may be asked if you are happy for him/her
    • Urgent Prescription Charges
      Please note that there will be a new fee of $25 applied to any urgent telephone prescription requests that are required within 24hrs. These
  • August 2020
    • NZNO Nurses Strike
      On Thursday 3rd September 2020 Amuri Health Care’s Nursing staff will be on strike. Most of Amuri Health’s nurses are members of the
      To avoid running out of your medications, please make sure you check when they are next due and allow at least two weeks prior to that date, so that you have enough time to arrange
    • Invoices
      Amuri Health Centre would like to advise all patients that we will be sending any outstanding invoices where possible by email or text. The receptionist
    • Community Services Card (CSC)
      If you have a current Community Service Card, please let reception know, so that the details can be updated. If you think you may be eligible for a card, you can find more information and forms at
    • He Waka Tapu
      He Waka Tapu are holding a Free Cervical Smear clinic again here at Amuri
    • Farewell
      Dr Deidre Clink has been a popular member of the Amuri Health Care team since last year.
  • July 2020
    • Lab Costs & Tests
      Please be aware that If you are an overseas visitor or on a work visa that is valid for less than 2 years, you will be charged for blood tests or any
    • Stop Smoking
      If you would like to stop smoking or would like support on reaching your goal to becoming smoke free, please contact us at the Health Centre to talk to the Practice Nurse or make an appointment
    • Extended Consultations
      Certain procedures at the Health Centre require extra Doctor and/or nurse time. If you wish to book an appointment for any
  • June 2020
    • Covid -19 Patient Experience Survyey
      You may be randomly selected to take part in this important survey about your health experiences over the last few months. This is a national incentive post the COVID-19.
    • Car Park – Ice
      Please be aware, the patient car parks in front of the building and entrance, are prone to be slippery in frosty conditions. There is grit to this area to alleviate the problem, but please still take care. The faraway parks are a good option for early morning appointments on frosty days.
    • Telephone Prescription Charges
      Please note that there is processing fee of $15 for all prescriptions requested over the phone. This charge applies to all adults and children irrespective of age. If the GP can do the request over the phone, it may not always be possible to get the prescription sent to the pharmacy the same day so please remember to organise routine prescriptions early. Thank you.
    • Level 1
      We are fully open and business as usual!! Thank you for your continued understanding during the changes with delivery of your healthcare.
  • May 2020
    • Covid - 19 Levels
      Thank you for your continued understanding during the changes with delivery of your healthcare. Amuri Health Centres doors will now be unlocked. We still have protocols in place and respectfully request that patients adhere to these, this helps to ensure we maintain a safe environment and available service for
    • Invoices
      Amuri Health Centre would like to advise all patients that we are hoping to reduce the use of paper and printing by sending any outstanding invoices where possible by email or text. The receptionist will continue to update your records
    • Covid-19 Levels
      Thank you for your continued understanding while we operate under our current protocols. We will continue to update the Facebook
    • District Nurse Vacancy
      Hurunui District Nurse – permanent part time position. We are looking for an experienced Registered Nurse preferably with District Nursing experience to join the fantastic Amuri District Nursing team based in Rotherham. Usually two 8-hour days, plus extra as demand
    • Covid-19 Level 2
      Amuri Health is currently looking how it will best operate during Level 2, to continue to provide patients with the best possible healthcare within the Amuri District.
    • Meningococcal Vaccines
      Meningococcal vaccines are strongly recommended for all teenagers and young adults flatting or staying in hostel accommodation
    • Flu Vaccines
      Flu season is upon us and flu vaccines are still available
  • April 2020
    • Flu Vaccines
      From Tuesday 28th April Flu Vaccines will become available to the general population
    • Community Response Committee
      We are just letting everyone know that there is a Community Response Group locally who can offer their help where needed.
    • Flu Vaccine Updates
      Flu Vaccine Updates We have now received a limited supply of flu vaccines to vaccinate
    • We're Still Here
      ***We’re Still Here*** Just a reminder, when most other services close, we don’t. Our centre remains
    • Flu Vaccine Updates
      Flu Vaccine Updates Due to a National supply and distribution issue, we are still waiting for our Flu Vaccine supply. They
    • Pharmacy Dispensing
      Pharmacy Dispensing To maintain equitable distribution of medicines throughout New Zealand the pharmacies are required to only dispense 1 months’
  • March 2020
      Please be aware that due to the TEAROOMS having to close, the CULVERDEN FOUR SQUARE is now the drop off depot for patient medications for the Culverden area. The depots
    • Important Update
      Due to the ongoing developments around Covid 19, and on recommendation by Royal GP college and Ministry of Health, Amuri Community
    • Important Information Regarding COVID-19(novel coronavirus)
      We receive daily updates and advice regarding the covid-19 outbreak. The current guidelines are that if you have been overseas, apart
    • Full Page Advert
      It is our priority, at the Health Centre, to keep our
    • Bone Density Scanning Clinic
      Monday 9th March 2020 10.00am - 4.00pm Are Your Bones Aging
  • February 2020
    • Staff Meeting
      Please note that Amuri Health Centre will have a delayed opening time on:
    • EpiPen _ FundaPen
      The FundaPen initiative via Allergy New Zealand has made EpiPen’s auto injectors available free to eligible patients
    • Amuri Health Centre Message
      Please see the separate message from the Board chair
    • Bone Density Scanning
      Osteohealth NZ are coming to the Amuri Community
      Dr Elaine Harvey is returning to Amuri Community
    • Coronavirus
      Please read Amuri Health Centre’s full-page
  • January 2020
    • Tetanus Booster
      If you are recalled for your 45yr or 65yr old tetanus booster, please be aware that there is a small administering
    • He Waka Tapu
      He Waka Tapu are holding a Free Cervical Smear clinic again here at Amuri
    • Hello's
      We would like to welcome Dr Deidre Clink to the team here at Amuri. Deidre
  • December 2019
    • SMS Reminders
      Please remember that when you receive your text reminder for your appointment
  • November 2019
    • Prescriptions
      In the run up to Christmas, please remember to check when your medications will be next due, and organise your appointment with the GP in plenty of
    • FundaPen
      The FundaPen initiative has made EpiPen’s auto injectors available free to eligible patients. If you are under
    • Cervical Screening
      The National Cervical Screening Programme has changed the Cervical Screening start age from 20 to 25years. Patients
    • Staff Meeting
      Staff Meeting Please note that Amuri Health Centre will have a delayed opening time
    • Travel Vaccines
      Travel Vaccines When travelling to other countries there may be a need to have certain vaccinations.
    • Amuri Community Trust Vehicle
      Amuri Community Vehicle Trust If you need transport to get to an appointment, Amuri Health is happy to help.
  • October 2019
    • He Waka Tapu
      He Waka Tapu He Waka Tapu are holding a Free Cervical Smear clinic
    • Telephone Prescription Charges
      Telephone Prescription Charges Please note that there is processing fee of $15 for all prescriptions requested
    • Stop Smoking
      Stop Smoking If you would like to stop smoking or would like support on reaching
    • Prescriptions
      Prescriptions To avoid running out of your medications, please make sure you check when they are next due and
  • September 2019
    • Medical Staffing - Amuri Community Health Centre
      Medical Staffing - Amuri Community Health Centre Currently Amuri Community Health Centre is actively seeking a permanent full-time doctor, we currently
    • Interpreting New Zealand
      Interpreting New Zealand is a telephone interpreting service. If English
    • Meningococcal Vaccines
      Meningococcal vaccines are available for all infants, teenagers and young adults, especially those in their first
    • Cross Infection
      It is our priority, at the Health Centre, to keep our well population healthy. If you feel you may have a contagious
  • August 2019
    • Medical Students
      We are hosting 5th year medical students and nursing students here at the Health Centre over the next few months. You may be asked if you are happy for him
    • Staff Meeting
      Please note that Amuri Health Centre will have a delayed opening time on:
    • Skin Checks
      We offer full comprehensive skin checks for both enrolled and non-enrolled patients at a very reasonable rate.
    • Prescriptions
      To avoid running out of your medications, please make sure you check when they are next
  • July 2019
    • Patient Surveys
      Patients are contacted via a random selection process every three months to participate in a Patient Care Survey for patients over the age of 15 years, conducted by the Health Quality & Safety
    • Flu Vaccines
      We have now been supplied with more FLU vaccines and are able to offer these to patients. If you have not yet been vaccinated this year
    • Denture House
      Denture House Ltd is a Kaikoura based company specialising in dentures/ denture repairs/ mouth guards/ teeth whitening
    • Prescriptions
      To avoid running out of your medications, please make sure you check when they are next due and allow at least two weeks prior to that date, so that you have enough time to arrange an appointment to see the doctor
  • June 2019
    • Shortage of Influenza (Flu) Vaccines
      Unfortunately, PHARMAC has announced we are now experiencing a nationwide shortage of Influenza vaccine. Due to this the vaccine is only permitted to be given to priority groups until notified otherwise. Priority groups who CAN still be vaccinated are:
    • Shortage Of Influenza (Flu) Vaccines
      Unfortunately, PHARMAC has announced we are now experiencing a nationwide shortage of Influenza vaccine.
  • May 2019
    • Travel Vaccines
      When travelling to other countries there may be a need to have certain vaccinations.
    • Extended Consults
      Certain procedures at the Health Centre require extra doctor and/or nurse time. If you wish to book
    • He Waka Tapu
      He Waka Tapu are holding a Free Cervical Smear clinic again here at Amuri Health Centre
    • Staff Meeting
      Please note that Amuri Health Centre will have a delayed opening time on:
    • Registering at the Health Centre
      If you reside within our community or would like Amuri Health Centre to be your main point of health care
    • Flu Vaccines
      Flu Season is upon us and flu vaccines are now available
  • April 2019
    • Appointment Availability
      At times we may only have one GP or PN available, which may mean a longer wait to get an appointment.
    • Flu Vaccines
      Flu season is upon us and flu vaccines are now available
  • March 2019
  • February 2019
    • Delayed Opening - Staff Meeting
      Amuri Health Centre will have a delayed opening time on Tuesday 5th March 2019 due to a staff meeting.
    • Breast Screening
      The mobile Breast Screening Unit is Coming to town. March 15th – 22nd 2019. St John Ambulance carpark 23 Montrose Ave Culverden.
    • He Waka Tapu Cervical Smear Clinic
      He Waka Tapu are holding a Free Cervical Smear clinic again here at Amuri Health Centre for eligible patients.
    • Fee Increase 2019
      As a community trust we try and keep patient fees at the Amuri Community Health Centre as low as possible. We have been pleased to have held the existing patient fee schedule for some years. This has only been possible because we have been able to negotiate increased subsidies from the Canterbury District Health Board.
  • January 2019
    • Cervical Screening
      Cervical Screening - Amuri Health is continuing to provide free screening for 2019 to our registered & eligible patients. Don’t let cervical cancer stop you, get screened! Get vaccinated! Please phone Amuri Health to arrange an appointment.
    • Breast Screening
      Breast Screening - The mobile Breast Screening Unit is coming to town. Thursday February 28th – Wednesday 20th March 2019
    • Exercise Class
      A community initiative to run local exercise classes to improve your balance, mobility & general fitness are run on Thursdays in the meeting room at Rotherham Hotel, 10.30am start. Please contact Neroli Brears on 03 315 6388 for further information. Thank You Amuri Health
  • December 2018
    • Christmas
      The staff and directors of Amuri Health Centre wish you all a very happy, healthy and safe festive season. A special thanks to all those who support our Health Centre especially Community Care, and those who help provide transport for patients, knitting for babies, and lovely flowers and magazines for the reception area
    • Holiday Season
      Holiday Season Please make sure you organise any repeat prescriptions early as we near the holiday season, so that you have enough medication to cover those periods when the Health Centre and Pharmacies are closed.
    • Farewells & Hellos
      Farewells and Hellos As you will probably know we have had a few changes in people involved with Amuri Health Care Ltd over the last few months.
    • Under 14yrs Fees
      Under 14yrs Fees - From the 1st December 2018 the current free consultation service for the under 13years will extend now for those children under the age of 14 years. All non-routine treatments will still have a fee attached. Thank you, Amuri Health.
  • November 2018
    • Vacancy - District Nurse
      Hurunui District Nursing seeks a Registered Nurse to join the Amuri District Nursing team
    • Retirement
      It is with sadness we farewell Dr Graeme Scrivener who is
    • Community Services Card
      If you have a current Community Services card, please let
    • Changes
      As you are probably aware there are have been a few changes in structure & people involved
    • CSC
      If you have a current Community Service Card, please let reception
    • Contact details
      Please contact reception if you have
  • October 2018
    • Staff Meeting
      Please note that Amuri Health Centre
    • Casual/Part Time Reception Vacancy
      Due to pending retirement, the Amuri Community
    • Skin Check
      Skin cancer is the most common cancer affecting New Zealanders. Skin cancers are commonly put into two groups - melanoma and non-melanoma skin cancer, with melanoma being the most dangerous. See your doctor as soon as possible if you: • see or feel something that's new on your skin • see or feel something that’s different from other moles • notice a mole that’s changed from the last time you checked - this could include a change in the colour, shape or size, or if it is bleeding or itchy. Some skin cancers can spread very quickly, so noticing a change in your skin quickly (early detection) means that it's more likely to be treated successfully. We offer full comprehensive skin checks for both enrolled and non-enrolled patients at a very reasonable rate. Please contact the Health Centre for an appointment or for more information.
    • Crutches
      We will be introducing a $30 bond fee when borrowing crutches, hopefully to encourage their return when no longer required, this will be refunded when they are brought back to the health centre. Unfortunately, we find we are often replacing them, so we can maintain our supply to the community when needed. If you still have some that are no longer required, please return them to the Health Centre. Many thanks Amuri Health
  • September 2018
    • Brief Intervention Coordinator
      The Brief Intervention Coordinator (BIC) can provide support and assistance to people with mild to moderate mental health concerns. This service is available to those people over the age of 18yrs by referral from their GP or PN. This service provides up to five free sessions with an experienced mental health clinician. Patients will be supported with psychological strategies and help link with community support agencies for ongoing support if needed.
    • Staff Meeting
      Staff Meeting Please note that Amuri Health Centre will have a delayed opening time on Tuesday 25th September 2018 due to a staff meeting. Appointments will be available from 9.30am. Calls will be diverted to the afterhours phone service for triaging during this time and Amuri Health Centre will be contacted for any urgent medical needs.
    • Cervical Screening
      Cervical Screening September is Cervical Screening Awareness Month!! To celebrate we are offering FREE cervical smears to all registered women. But wait there’s more………… He Waka Tapu are holding a FREE clinic here at Amuri Health Centre on Wednesday 19th September 2018 But wait there’s more………… PLUS, all those screened will go into a draw to WIN some great prizes!! Please contact the Health Centre on 03 315 6328 to arrange an appointment Thanks, Amuri Health
  • August 2018
    • Repeat Prescriptions
      Repeat Prescriptions To avoid running out of your medication, please make sure you phone for an appointment at least two weeks before you need your new prescription. All patients must be seen by the doctor every three months for repeat medication, unless otherwise indicated and documented by a doctor in the patients notes. This is in line with the Government’s Primary Health Care Policy, keeping people well and educated about their health status. In exceptional circumstances, where an urgent prescription is requested by telephone, a short prescription of one week may be given at the doctor’s discretion. The patient MUST make an appointment to see the doctor within a week, so that the doctor can ensure that there are no changes in the patient’s health status which would render current medication dangerous or ineffective.
    • Facebook Page
      Amuri Community Health is delighted to announce that the Health Centre’s Facebook page is up and running once again. It will be regularly updated to provide the community with health information, news and any clinics the health centre may be running or promoting. Also information regarding closure of the health centre or incidents that the community need to be advised about will be updated on the page. It will not however be for general communications like appointment bookings or cancellations. We hope the community will find this a useful tool for sourcing information and to keep up to date with Amuri Health. Thank you.
  • July 2018
    • Car Park Ice
      Please be aware, the patient car parks in front of the building and entrance, are prone to be slippery in frosty conditions. There is grit to this area to alleviate the problem, but please still take care.
    • Delayed Opening
      Amuri Health Centre will have a delayed opening time on Tuesday 31st July 2018 due to a staff meeting. Appointments will be available from 10am. Calls will be diverted to the after hours phone service to triage calls and will contact us for urgent medical needs.
    • Chickenpox!!
      Are you and your family protected?? Amuri Community Health Centre can offer some FREE chickenpox vaccines!
    • Laboratory results
      When you have a blood test or cervical smear, the nurse will usually only contact you if the results need to have some action taken (for example a repeat blood test or follow up with the Doctor).
  • June 2018
    • Booking Appointments
      While we try to ensure that we run to time, the doctors and nurses often must deal with emergencies or urgent situations leading to unforeseen delays.
    • Welcome Brogan Moate
      We would like to welcome Trainee Intern Brogan Moate to Amuri Community Health.
  • May 2018
    • Blood Taking Advice
      Due to updated Laboratory protocols all blood tests that are required, will need to be taken during morning hours on a Monday to Friday
    • News 30th May 2018
      Blood Taking Advice Due to updated Laboratory protocols all blood tests that are required, will need to be taken during morning hours on a Monday to Friday, the cut off time for these will be 12.30pm to allow them to be collected and delivered to the laboratory the same day. Thank you, Amuri Health. Bone Density Scanning Clinic Are Your Bones Aging Faster Than You Are? Osteohealth NZ are coming to the Amuri Community Health Centre. There are still some available appointment times. Friday 1st June 2018 at 10.00am-3.00pm To provide the opportunity for you to have a bone scan that will determine your bone density and give a prediction of fracture risk due to Osteoporosis. Each scan costs $60.00 and includes a results leaflet and information on how to maintain or improve your bone health – and prevent Osteoporosis. Payment can be made by either cash or debit/credit card. To book your scan, phone Amuri Community Health on 03 315 6328
    • Amuri Home Share Programme
      Volunteers required for Amuri Home Share Programme. PRESBYTERIAN SUPPORT in conjunction with AMURI COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTRE are establishing a Home Share Programme in the Amuri area
    • Bone Density Scanning Clinic 2018
      Bone Density Scanning Clinic Fri 1st June 2018. Still some available appointment times.
  • April 2018
    • News April 16th 2018
      Flu & Shingles Vaccines From 1st April 2018 the Ministry of Health is funding FREE Shingles vaccinations for all aged 65-80 years. Vaccines are now in stock at Amuri Health. Please phone the Amuri Community Health Centre to arrange an appointment or to discuss any questions or concerns you may have regarding the vaccine. Flu vaccines are also available now at the Amuri Community Health Centre. Flu Vaccines are free for all pregnant women, those with a chronic health condition, over 65yrs and under 18yrs If you are not sure if you are eligible for a free flu vaccine, please give our nurses a call to discuss or phone reception to arrange an appointment.
  • March 2018
    • ZostaVax – Shingles Vaccine 2018
      Shingles Vaccine 2018 - From 1st April 2018 the Ministry of Health is funding FREE Shingles vaccinations for all aged 65-80 years. Vaccines will be in stock at Amuri Health from April 1st, 2018
    • Flu Vaccines 2018
      Flu vaccines will be available at Amuri Health Centre mid-April onwards. This year's vaccine is a tetravalent meaning it covers 4 strains where previous vaccines only covered 3.
  • February 2018
    • Change of Details
      Please can you contact reception if you need to update any of your personal information, change of address or telephone number.
    • Change of Details
      Please can you contact reception if you need to update any of your personal information, change of address or telephone number.
    • Help - Drivers Needed
      From time to time patients need to be driven to the city for appointments. If you can offer your help with this, please phone the Health Centre, as we would like to keep a register of names so that we may get this service organised.
    • Help - Drivers Needed
      From time to time patients need to be driven to the city for appointments. If you can offer your help with this, please phone the Health Centre, as we would like to keep a register of names so that we may get this service organised.
    • Age Concern
      Positive aging expo: Come along for information and advice.
    • Age Concern
      Positive aging expo: Come along for information and advice.
    • Gaye Stenning Podiatrist Thursday 19th Oct 2017
      Gaye Stenning from Merivale Podiatry will be holding a clinic here on: Thursday 19th Oct 2017.
    • Gaye Stenning Podiatrist Thursday 19th Oct 2017
      Gaye Stenning from Merivale Podiatry will be holding a clinic here on: Thursday 19th Oct 2017.
  • January 2018
    • Exercise Group
      Come along to new fun and weekly community based Exercise classes to improve your balance, mobility & general fitness. Held in the Culverden Library & here at the Health Centre, no need to book. Culverden Library from Wednesday 6th September 10.30am – 11.30am & Amuri Community Health from Wednesday 27th September Centre 1pm – 2pm
    • Exercise Group
      Come along to new fun and weekly community based Exercise classes to improve your balance, mobility & general fitness. Held in the Culverden Library & here at the Health Centre, no need to book. Culverden Library from Wednesday 6th September 10.30am – 11.30am & Amuri Community Health from Wednesday 27th September Centre 1pm – 2pm
    • Cervical Screening
      Are you due for your pap/cervical smear? Do you struggle to come in during the day? We are holding an evening Smear Screening Clinic on Wednesday 8th October from 5pm If you would like to make an appointment please phone the Health Centre, there are a limited number of appointments available and usual charges will apply. Thank You